Day 3 of Ms. Wheelchair America, and judging has officially begun!! My interview time was set for 10:20am, and I was third person to go. Anyone who knows me well knows that me and mornings don't get along too well (smile), but I made sure today I was up and ready to go. The film crew arrived at my door just about the same time I got out of bed, so they caught me getting ready from the beginning. Erika Bogan, Ms. Wheelchair NC, came into my room to also get ready with me.
I was putting the last final touches when I got a phone call at about 10:03am from one of the judging coordinators saying that I needed to get downstairs immediately that I was late. This flustered me, because I knew I was not late at all. So, I scurried downstairs quickly (after being sent in the wrong direction first) and made it finally to the judges room. The door to where the judges were was open, and a lady outside the door said rather loudly and rudely, "Let this be a warning never to be late again." I was extremely flustered at this point because I was not late by any means, but I held my composure and politely said, "Yes ma'am" and went into the room with a smile on my face.
I introduced myself to the judges and the interviews began. There were 5 judges, and each asked me a question. The questions and briefly how I answered are below:
1. If you were to win $10 million dollars in the lottery, how would you spend it?
First, I don't play the lottery, but if I were to play and did win, I would first tithe 10% to my church. Second, I would give a portion of it to my job where I work at Free Wheelchair Mission. We give wheelchairs to people in other countries who don't have any other way to get around, and knowing how important wheelchairs are, I would definitely want to help out those other 100 million people who need mobility. Next, I would give money to a literacy program as I have my Master's degree in Reading and Literacy. I believe Education is extremely important. Finally, I would give a portion of the money to the SCI research center at the University of California, Irvine with Dr. Hans Keirstead as the Director. As you know, he is the first scientist to use human stem cells to help find a cure for spinal cord injuries, and he is also a friend of mine. Any money left after that would be used to help friends and family in need.
2. How would you respond to a 5 year old who asked you if being in a wheelchair hurt?
Being a former teacher, I was actually asked that question a lot along with cute questions like "How do you brush your teeth?" and "Do you sleep in your wheelchair?" I would tell the child that it doesn't hurt to be in a wheelchair, although there are good days and bad days just like them. Similar to if they fell down on the playground and scraped their knee, it would hurt for awhile, but then it would be ok. There is nothing that hurts about being in a wheelchair.
3. What would you say is your biggest accomplishment by far?
Without a doubt, I know exactly how to answer you! My biggest accomplishment thus far in life is being the first woman with a disability to ever surf in the US Open of Surfing. To be honored in that capacity and to change history in front of half a million people was the best day of my life and the biggest accomplishment this far in my life!
4. What is your definition of independence?
My definition of independence is being able to do something on your own or with little assistance. I realize that there are some women with a disability who need some assistance, but independence for me equals freedom. Freedom from your inner struggles first allows you to push past any physical barrier one may encounter. To me, that's freedom.
5. Are you a sneakers or high heel type of girl?
I am a sneakers type of girl. I have roots in the South and was raised in Georgia, so I'm definitely a sneakers, laid back type of girl. You would think that coming from California, it's all glitz and glam, but not all the time. I definitely know when it's appropriate to wear heels and to be more like a woman, but overall, I prefer sneakers.
That was it! Pretty easy, huh? I thanked each of the judges afterwards and was immediately greeted by my film crew.
We had workshops to attend all day. One of my favorite workshops was the Self-Defense workshop. I am a huge UFC (Ultimate Fighting) fan, so I was all about this course! I even took down the instructor! Seriously! He was literally tapping out and wincing in pain. I didn't know I was just supposed to "act" it out. Ha!
The next workshop I went to was a team building/collaboration workshop where we gathered into groups to think forward to what we think Ms. Wheelchair America would look like in 2015. We had to come up with a logo and a theme. Our groups logo was a triangle with a circle around it. Each side of the triangle represented something different: Innovation, Interdependence, and Integrity. The circle around it represented "Connecting Communities." I think we actually did a pretty good job!
Each state is required to do a board that represents their state along with pictures of what you've done and your advocacy work. I have two scrapbooks: one that is of all the appearances I've done as Ms. Wheelchair California and the second is of all the advocacy work I've done prior to becoming Ms. Wheelchair California. Finally, I brought sand from Laguna Beach and have my state's flag stuck in it and a towel with some flip flops. Perfect if you ask me!
Tonight was a 50's themed night, so everyone got dressed up in their finest 50's attire. It was such a fun night of laughter, dancing, and having a good time. Be sure to check out the video at the end! Below is a picture of me and Ms. Wheelchair America, Michelle Colvard.
Me with Ana Calvo (Ms. Wheelchair Texas - left) and Erika Bogan (Ms. Wheelchair North Carolina - middle).
You ROCK Alyson! Say Hi to your mom.