Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Featured around the Nation

I am always blessed when people hear about my story and are encouraged to share it with others. I am sponsored by Kenda tires, and recently they made a poster of me to help sell their products. This poster has literally gone around the nation to businesses, organizations, and individuals. I'm amazed when people feel so honored to have received a signed copy!

Recently, Duncan Creek Elementary School in Georgia put up a bulletin board featuring "famous" people who happen to have a disability. Well, my poster covered most of the bulletin board!! I hope that the children at that school realize that people with disabilities can accomplish anything - though it may be a different way - anything is possible!

Thank you, Duncan Creek Elementary, for featuring me on your bulletin board and for being an example to the students at your school that accessibility and disability awareness is so important. Thank you for helping to teach that people with disabilities are people, too!

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