Since that time, two new wonderful women have succeeded me in this tradition. Jennifer Kumiyama did a fantastic job during her reign. She even became the Director of the first ever Little Miss Wheelchair California this year! Corey Petersen was crowned this past April as the new Ms. Wheelchair California 2011, and she is off to an amazing start already with her platform and appearances. It's been wonderful to look back and see the groundwork that was layed by women before me, the accomplishments that I acheived to help those who are reigning now, and to also see the future ahead for those that will continue to compete. The Ms. Wheelchair America program is truly a family and a wonderful support system.
To start back at the beginning where my reign began, take a look at the very first blog by clicking here. What a wonderful journey it was in 2009! Finally, to learn more about the Ms. Wheelchair California program and keep up with the current title holders, please visit the website by clicking here. And as always, you can keep up with what I'm doing in my life by visiting my website at http://www.alysonroth.com/.
Be well, and love fully!